Whew! That went quickly, didn't it? No matter how hard I try, the Christmas festivities always go too fast and before I have a second to appreciate it I'm packing for home. I was so happy to spend...
Hello from Canada!! My husband and I flew to Vancouver the other day to hang out with our son and visit friends and family and it is so good to be back! Fresh air, good food, fun shopping......
This die cut is probably my favourite die cut of all-time. I have taught countless classes with it, and I've made hundreds of Christmas cards with it too! My trick for getting a nice, deep red with my...
I don't what it is about poinsettias, but when I use them on a card - whether it's die-cut or stamp form - I love how they turn out... The mojo just flows with them. And the funny...
Hi there! I had a great weekend of card making and got so many things done! I have about 30 cards to make and so far, I'm at 20 so I really gotta get moving... Or, gluing... Or......
One of my favorite things about watercolours is that leftovers are so pretty! A long time ago I made this card and I mopped up the extra colours with watercolour paper and voilà , I have the makings of a whole new...
Don't you love husbands? They give such helpful and constructive comments.When asked about today's card husband said "Intense." ....thanks. Ok. There's a lot of stuff on it, but I was playing with this week's Sweet Sunday Sketch and I couldn't stop! Most of the...
Hi there! I have a post up at the Twinery Blog with a card on which I used my favourite Twinery product: Platinum Shimmer Twine. It seriously goes with everything and especially around the winter holidays I reach for...
I played along with Virginia Lu's current challenge: All About Texture!Check out this card... I've been wanting to make this stamp set Christmasy since I saw it: The texture (liquid appliqué) is the best part of this card! The mice with...
Just popping in to share a card that took me WAY too much time to execute considering I had a plan before I started, lol... I guess I was just being to finicky with the details. Anyway, I...
Hi there! I'm so happy about today's blog post because I'm playing along with Tracey McNeely and the Technique Tuesday DT for Tracey's 25 Days of Christmas Tags. I am a lover of Christmas tags and I already...
It's time for another challenge with my girls at the Naughty or Nice challenge, and this month's theme is "Monochromatic Thanks". When I started making this card I was like, ok, monochromatic.. I can do this, and I grabbed...
Hi guys! I'm here today with a few of my pals from The Twinery team to show you how we Stash our Stash. I used to have the most beautiful collection of twine on the spools but then I...
Hi there! Just popping in to share a card... A Christmas card! 10 weekends til Christmas!!! I'm excited... Can you tell? To make the trees have that watercolor look I inked the stamp then lightly misted it with...
I got a request from a friend at school to make a couple of people cards so she could send them back home. I pulled out a bunch of new supplies to make this first one... Can you...
Hi there! I love Hallowe'en and especially Hallowe'en crafts but unfortunately I just don't ever have the occasion to give cards to anyone. Tags, however, are handy to have around especially when you can attach them to a...
It's our day, card-makers! There are so many companies celebrating today and Technique Tuesday has a great offer, but first, my card:I used a few goodies from Cath's new release and got a little messy doing it:I used a combination...
I am here with my first Christmas cards of the year! Last year I did not make enough cards to get me through the season and I was scrambling on the last days before Christmas to have enough...
Over the summer holiday I bought a video camera with the intention of filming more technique videos. It's not the filming part that's stressful though - it's the editing! It was a whopping 45 minutes when I started...
It's time again for the Coffee Lovers Blog Hop and I like to participate because it's a chance to pull out some of my "oldie but goodie" supplies that don't get much love anymore. If you don't know...