
Button Bonanza!

I’ve spent the better part of the weekend preparing and putting the final touches on a couple of new classes that will be offered at Clipper Street in July/August. As always, I aim to make the cards challenging, interesting, educational, and most importantly, beautiful! It’s never an easy task, designing a class, because you never know what the customers are going to go for, but all I can do is do my best and hope it does well!
Here’s a class I’m calling “Button Bonanza'” for obvious reasons:




(this last one is my favourite!!)
I used the stamp set Loving Words by Ali Edwards for all of the cards, but tried to use buttons in different ways to keep it exciting! If you live in the area I’d love to see you come and play… The calendar will be ready in a few weeks and you can sign up then!

Let me know what you think! Take care.

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  1. Like it Tobi! I'm sure your class will too.
    claudiamatzke at hotmail dot com

  2. very nice! love the one with the button filled heart.


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