
Happy New Years!

Time has flown by the last couple of weeks because it's New Years over here in China, and not until I moved here did I realize how big of a holiday it is. Our town has literally shut down (thank goodness one grocery store has stayed open) and it is SOOOO quiet and peaceful. BUT, leading up to the holiday there was a lot of testing going on at school and I was frantically trying to wrap up assignments and issue new ones for them to work on over the break (insert evil teacher laugh) and then BAM! I was on a three-week break. The first week my family and I chilled, I did a bunch of art journaling and the boys played video games, and for the next two weeks we are going to explore more of China. 

So here are a few spreads I've worked on: 

This was for an Inspiration Wednesday lesson from Donna Downey..
I loved the colours that I ended up using: teal, quin. Magenta and yellow ochre, with a little fluorescent magenta thrown in... 

Oh man I loved the way this one turned out. It was one of those pages that totally sucked half way through but I persevered and made it into something I was happy with. This was a Documented Life project. 

This one turned out totally crazy because I just kept adding layers upon layers, but the abstract thing is very soothing. Not having a thing to draw or make a mistake drawing is relaxing... And for those of us who love to play with colours, this is the perfect medium. 

Do you ever fall into a colour combo unconsciously? For me it's the rainbow... It always seems to pop up when I'm throwing colours around.. I think it's because I am too scared to stray from complementary colours so it always ends up mooshing together into a rainbow! Oh well, it's not a bad proble, to have, right?! 

This is my newest page. At first there was no red when I called it "done" but then I just wasn't happy... Enter red. Sometimes all a project needs is an introduction of a shocking colour and it suddenly falls into place. I love how colours can do that! 

So I'll leave you with a photo of some fireworks. You haven't seen fireworks till you've been to China. From our 9th story apartment we could see our nearby town and all of the towns within a 50 mile radius and there were thousands of people lighting off fireworks. It was breathtaking! 
I am so glad we were here to witness it! As they say here in Shanghai: Xin Nian Kaui Le! (Shin neean kwai leh)

A small portion of our view of the horizon. 

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  1. Wow, these are awesome, Tobi! Happy New Year!

  2. Thanks for sharing Tobi. Fabulous pages and amazing fireworks!


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