
Hello!!!! - A Random Card

Hello there!

It's been a while. 

I've been sick... 

Nothing serious, but I've definitely had my life, work, and vacations impacted. 
Fever/sinus infection/lung infection that lasted over 2 months.. It's sucked. 

It's crystal-clear to me how much I rely on my health to be creative. I am the kind of person who is VERY undisciplined with my creative work, and if I'm not inspired, it's like I can't work. 

That. needs. to. change. 

I work well with goals and deadlines, and the key is, to impose deadlines on myself. 

If any of you have TIPS on how to stay productive, please share!!! 

This card was made for a purpose, that's why it got done, lol.... 

I designed a class for beginning cardmakers here in Shanghai, and the topic is: 


This card is super simple and the watercolour technique was a simple one: paint blobs of random,  pretty colours onto a stamped piece of cardstock. The trick is not to blend as it will start to eat away at the paper. The colours will dry soft and pretty as long as diluted paints are used... 

So again, if you have any wise words for me, or tricks you use to keep yourself creating, please let me know... I am in a slump... 

Thanks, as always, for stopping by! 

Gold Leaf: Technique Tuesday

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  1. Your cards are always so beautiful, Tobi! Hope you are truly on the mend now, Jo x


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