

Goals for 2009:
  1. Lose 60 more pounds by my wedding on July 5th.
  2. Work less/work better. I have my teaching position which naturally takes up a lot of my time, but I foolishly take on a lot of other jobs for the $$$.
  3. Spend more time with Phoenix doing actual stuff. Get out more.
  4. Connect with my friends. I don't see them much.
  5. Scrapbook amibitions. (mentioned in an earlier post)
  6. Um... START TO PLAN MY WEDDING. Time is ticking.
  7. Instead of coming home and passing out on the couch, get up and do stuff (arrange music, work on crafty stuff, blog etc...)
  8. As always, make this year better than all the rest.
Accomplishments/Good things that happened in 2008:
  1. Got engaged!!
  2. I was offered my full-time teaching position, teaching exactly what I want. (Choir and Band)
  3. Bought my first house.
  4. Lost 40 pounds.
  5. Made some strides with Phoenix and his "focus" issues in school.
  6. Got a puppy.
  7. Got on an amazing design team, which I have wanted for a while!!
  8. Got a bunch of my cards and an altered creation published.
  9. Got a really great scrapping space going on in my bedroom.
Last year was a really great year. It's going to be hard to top, that's for sure, but so many things are on the horizon, I know 2009 is going to be a better year still!

Happy New Year!

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