
An on-going love affair with Airbrushing

I'm telling you. Once you spray, you won't want to stop.

I taught a couple of Copic techniques classes last weekend and one was almost
solely dedicated to airbrushing and by the end of the class all of the ladies were hooked!
Two out of the eight ladies bought compressors that day!

My love of airbrushing shows in almost all of my designs, and I want to show you
one of my favourite uses for my compressor: altering the colours of patterned paper!

Here is the finished card:

You can see the pack of paper in the background, and it's really PINK in hue, and
the papers on my card are a little yellowish. That's becuase I airbrushed with
a mustardy colour, Y26.

Here are the papers side-by-side: natural, and airbrushed.

(click to see a larger view)

I also added some details to the stars and the deer's nose for more glamour:

I used Ranger's Glossy Accents, and AMuse bling on the small stars.

Thanx for checkin' me out!

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  1. You're not the only one that is addicted, it's like crack...but the good kind ;)


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