
Has the world gone mad??

I don't have a soap-box, so I rarely get up on one, but I just gotta say something: WHY ARE ALL OF MY FAVOURITE STAMP COMPANIES CLOSING? I found out about Elzybells (my first Design Team gig) the other day and was SO sad. I flipped through all of my well-loved stamps and felt sad that there was going to be no more new Elzybells in the world... Here's one of my favourite cards I did of with my stamps as part of the DT:

So run, don't walk to Elzybells to get stamps before they disappear!! 

Okay, sadness #2: Cornish Heritage Farms is closing!!  I've never been affiliated with them, I've just spent many precious hours creating with their SUPER high-quality stamps that are so awesome and fun. The company is for sale if you're in the market (too bad I'm not, HA!) but I am so scared that the company will just go away, or change.. Here's a card I was going to post tonight using CHF stamps that I use ALL the time:

That owl is my go-to guy for manly stamps. I paired him with some SEI papers and a sticker from SRM Stickers. 
So again, run to CHF to get those stamps because they are going to keep them on the website for a while, but not press any new stamps! I, myself, need to check my budget to see if I can afford to get some of those stamps I've wanted for a while... 

So this is it. *angry face* No more stamp companies closing, okay?? Do you promise??? 
Good... Have a good day. 

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  1. I know...it is sad when you hear of things closing...love both of your cards...

  2. oh tobi, these are such cute cards...you rock..hugs

  3. Both of these cards are so cute. Love the sentiment on the 1st one!

  4. I really like your cards, they make me smile. Welcome to The Cutting Cafe, it will fun!


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