
Simple Sentiments Sneak Peek

Just like Disney, we have created a lot of artwork and have put many popular stamp sets into our vault. In 2013, we are re-introducing favorites from the vault and are making them available for a limited time.

We've brought four stamp sets out of Technique Tuesday vault so far: Irony,Adored by Ali Edwards, Hash Tags & More and Petal Power. And two more of our popular stamp sets from the past will be available on our Web site on Sunday!

Today, we want to give you a sneak peek in project form of the first of those stamp sets: Simple Sentiments. This project was made with Simple Sentiments and Happyville - Family. I thought this little stick-man holding the flag would suit this sentiment really well. Paired with the manly patterned papers this will be a great card for a dude! I'm happy... 

Here are some other sneaks with Simple Sentiments. Thanks for stopping by. 

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