
Rusty Old Christmas Truck

Colour the Truck of Gifts stamp in rusty yellow... 

Challenge accepted! 

Now we're getting into some complicated colouring here! 
This isn't just colouring something yellow...  Or is it? 

To get the rusty effect I used a couple different colour families and applied my rule regarding mixing: 

Blending Similar Colors
When blending two colours that are in a similar family, start with the darkest colour going to the lightest according to the numbers (and sometimes your eye will tell you what colours are lightest and what are darkest).
1. Start with Y27 applied in areas of "rust" and/or shadow.
2. Add colours in desceding number order to achieve a nice blend. From dark-to-light I used; YR27, YR24, Y15, Y13, Y11, Y0000. 
Whenever you're playing around with colour families you just have to practice.. Some colours behave oddly with each other, and some are magic! With this particular combo I got a funny mottled effect in the YR27 that lended itself PERFECTLY to rust. Happy accident!!

Mmmmmm... Fluffy snow.... This is Ye Olde Liquid Applique (mine is actually getting kinda old and stinky, lol) and while it was wet I dusted it with Crystal Micro Glitter. After you heat it with a heat tool the glitter is IN. 

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  1. Oh fabulous job on the rust! I am so going to try this color combo out, thanks for sharing. Love the coloring and the great design. I love playing with liquid applique too. Probably need to smell mine, lol.

  2. Beautiful! Love the rusty truck! So much more realistic for a truck of this age! Beaten up but well loved! TFS!

  3. Your colouring techniques are fantastic.


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