
Deep Thoughts By Tobi...

It has been a long time since I've coloured with my Copic markers, my friends. I've lost a few subscribers lately and I wonder if that's why?? I think a good blogger (teacher, wife, mother, HUMAN) has to constantly be evaluating oneself to make sure they're being the best they can be. In the last year-or-so I've really come to love and treasure my mixed media work. I get something different out of it than I do card-making and the practical side of me says: Do I really need to make 100s of cards every year that I don't send (because I don't send them to anyone!) and realistically don't sell??? Mixed media and art journalling is different - it's self-contained in a journal or it's functional, like on a canvas on a wall. Deep thoughts...

All that to say I still really love colouring and making cards, I am perhaps just being too practical. Maybe it was when we started packing for our move to China that I started to come face-to-face with how many cards I had. Literally thousands.. It's sickening. Art journals? A few, and each one is like flipping through a little book of my life. I brought a butt-load of stuff to China and I actually really like my little craft area and it's breathed a new life into me creativity-wise.

I finally unearthed my Copic markers and had an actual, real thought that I might not be as good as I once was... OH THE HORROR!!!! But I grabbed a cute little image and coloured her up like I've taught countless thousands of people to do and it worked!! And I had fun!!

I searched around the interweb for a challenge that inspired me and I saw Teri's Fabulous Friday post and was like, YES!

This is Whatcha' Doin' from Tiddly Inks and it's a digital stamp so it was only $3!! I need to buy a printer so I can buy some more, cause these stamps are adorable!! 

The background was made by dropping various Izinks by Clearsnap... I love those things: cool colours in a neat little glass bottle with a dropper. What's not to love? lol.. 

Anyway... Thanks for reading my rant, and checking out my card! 
Have a great day! 

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  1. I discovered your blog a while back and was impressed to see your amazing colouring. I am not into mixed media to tell you the truth but really you should do what you love. I hope you do continue to post the occasional card because it is really inspirational. If you ever want to find a way to "send " your cards as you know there are many worthy card drives for childrens hospitals etc..that would love to receive one of your beauties! Thanks for being so honest in this post.

  2. Thank you for the comment Mary-Anne and thanks for sticking with me!!!

  3. She is totally cute Tobi. I believe you should be true to yourself and find and do what you love and love doing it. When you no longer are happy doing it then it is time to move on .............

    1. Thanks Lisa! I think I have found a happy balance with all the crafty stuff in my life! I just can't learn any more techniques because I don't have the room or the time!!! lol


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