
A Year In Review - 2018


That's how many posts I wrote on the blog this year... 

I don't know who is still out there reading this, but if you are still around, THANK YOU! 
I have been a bad blogger, and I could blame it on China and the fact that blogs are illegal, or the internet and the fact that it's incredibly slow... But the truth is, I just don't "make" like I used to - and it's ok.... 

I did have a little Christmas cardmaking class with some co-workers, and I had a small card order for Christmas, but nothing like in the past... 

But I'm still creating..... When I have time. 

I'm trying to perfect Acrylic Pouring and have been puttering around with that... 

I broke out the ol' gelli plate and made some art journal backgrounds... 

But mostly.... I've been incredibly busy at school.
And life. 
And travel... 

This year I've been to: 
Boracay, Philippines
Panglao, Philippines
Vancouver, BC
Chicago, Il
Toronto, Ont.
Bangkok, Thailand
Bali, Indonesia (where I am right now)

My son and I in Chicago to see Hamilton! 

These are my blog stats.... 
And I have had a very deep thought about it. 

There is a direct and quantifiable correlation between the amount of blog posts/year, and my effectiveness/commitment/quality of my teaching. 

Being a music teacher takes a lot of dedication, but mostly, TIME. When I was in Canada I had so many commitments outside of school that I wasn't directing my energy where I should have: to my students and my music program. 

I have learned the hard way, that to do my job effectively, to offer my students the BEST ME, I have to be 100% focused on them and my job. If you look at 2014 - 2018 (my years in China so far), you can see the drop-off. And yes, that means no time/energy for crafting commitments and deadlines..... 

I have also recently committed myself to Keto. 
If I'm going to continue doing my job the way I'm currently doing it, I need to get healthy!! 

I've been on keto for 4 months. Still have a LONG way to go, but I feel really great about what I've accomplished so far... 

2018 has been a great year! 
Just not a good blogging year. 

I wish you the best in 2019. 
I will update here when I can. 

For now... Do you follow me on Instagram? @jazzytobi
I upload my feed pretty regularly. Life. Travel. Food. And of course, crafts!! 

Happy New Year! 

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