
Canvas Creation

I sat down to create SOMETHING whilst watching my all-time favourite movie "HOME ALONE" with my son. I have no idea why it's my fav, it just is. So many good memories are attatched to this movie, and every Hallowe'en I break out the Christmas music and watch Home Alone.

I didn't know what I was going to make, I only knew I wanted to make something other than a card. I have a stash of cards that would do me a life-time of giving cards to every single person I know, so maybe it was time to make something else..While I was at it I made a new banner too. Remember (shameless plug here) I do banners and watermarks if you're ever in need.. Pricing is on the left.. Now back to my program..

I had this canvas sitting around that I had previously painted (horribly, I might add) so I picked it up, and said "GET THIS OFF MY FLOOR AND DECORATE IT ALREADY!" So I did!
I used mostly WeR products (paper, rub-ons, brads) but as you can see on the left, I also used Making Memories paint and foam letters for the title. The journalling block is from a 12x12 sheet of the same kind of things by Bo Bunny. The photo corner is Basic Grey. 

 I wrote about imagining where I would be in 20 years and I said:
Imagine. I don't
often do it, but it's
to imagine where I'll
be in 20 years. I'll be
51. Will I still be teaching?
Will I have moved on 
to bigger/better things?
Where will Phoenix be?
Will Ian and I have another
Child? Imagine...
It scares the crap out of me to think that I will LOOK different too. I never used to take photos of myself or let my photo be taken, and consequently have NO pictures of my 20's... So I've learned my lesson. Take pictures 'cause this is the best I'm ever gonna look. (Unless you're Madonna ofcourse..)
Here are a couple photos of Hallowe'en stuff. Phoenix was Ang from Avatar. Do any of you know what that is? Very few people recognized him, but it was a blast putting his costume together.

Yes we cut his hair for the costume, and as you can tell, he didn't like the process, but he REALLY liked the result. He wants his hair like this all the time now!! hahaha.. 
Have a great sunday!

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  1. Great costume...and of course i knew who he was. I have a 7yr old that loves Air Benders

  2. Totally digging the new banner. Great job on the costume!

  3. Absolutely awesome costume. I'll admit to being clueless, but I still LOVE it! lol. Your work is just stunning. I am so inspired by your canvas (I have so many blank canvases that it's shameful! And a big untouched easel.) The colours the layout and the journalling are all amazing! Thanks for the inspiration! :O) P.S. I see you're a relatively close neighbour. I'm in Coquitlam. :O)

  4. He looks great!!! I totally know who Ang is - I have an 11 year old who loved that series and, quite honestly, so did I! That was "our" time together and I just loved it! We were so sorry to see the series end.

  5. I LOVE that your son embraced his costume so much that he cut his hair for it! Wow!

    Your Canvas is awesome - love it!

  6. great costume! my boys love Avatar!


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