
I hear wedding bells...

Where have I been for the last little while? I'll tell you:  
Here's what I've been up to:
Seating Plan
Centerpieces (my MAN of honour did them!!)
Setting up for the wedding
I can't wait to show you all the wedding pics! I am CLEARLY not in the mood to sleep tonight (it's almost midnight) but I suppose I will have to sleep sometime... So wish me luck! 

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  1. How exciting!!! It looks like it's going to be a WONDERFUL wedding!! Congratulations!!

  2. Everything looks perfect!!! Can I give you a little advice, ENJOY EVERY MOMENT.. Don't worry if Aunt Agnes does not like her food, or if Uncle Steve is getting drunk... lol or if someone did something equally crazy, this day is ALL ABOUT YOU AND YOUR HUSBAND!!!!!!!! Oh and when things go wrong (and hopefully they won't) but if they do... JUST LAUGH THEM OFF. I can honestly say that my wedding 11 years ago was the best day ever and we had the Maid of Honor drop the wedding rings and lighting hit making the power go of for over an hour, in a very hot August... )lol but was funny and today it is even funnier. Anyway, enough "chatting". Have an AWESOME DAY!!!!

  3. I can't wait to hear all about it!! I hope your day is spectacular!

  4. Congrats Tobi!! How exciting! Enjoy your day!

  5. Congratulations Tobi and have a wonderful day! Remember to stop and really take in what is going on around you once in a while too!

  6. OMG OMG OMG! Tobi....the set up is STUNNING. The centerpieces are GORGEOUS! I am so so so excited for you this very minute imagining what you might be doing. I cannot believe you posted the night before you are getting married....is there anything you can't do girl?!!! I can't wait to see pics!!!!! Congrats!!!!!

  7. Congratulations Tobi! By now you're married! Everything looks so beautiful. I love outdoor weddings. Hope you had pleasant weather.

  8. Congratulations Tobi!! Wow! How exciting! I wish you and your new Hubby all the BEST!! Everything looks so beautiful! Can't wait to see more pics!

    Your JBelle DT Sistah,

  9. Best of luck Tobi!!! Hope that you two will be very happy!

  10. WOW....Congrats on your wedding Tobi!! :) How exciting. LOVE that seating chart page--your butterflies are so beautiful on there! Love ALL the pictures here...looks like a ball. :) Happy Honeymooning!!

  11. Congratulations Tobi!!! How exciting and by the pictures you shared, it looks like it was a beautiful wedding! Can't wait to see more!! Take care!


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