
Our Wedding Song

Here's the story:

Everyone assumed I would do something musical for the wedding and all along I was like, "I don't think so" mostly because if I had to sing at my own wedding it would be a blubber-fest, so I brushed the idea off. The music we had planned for the wedding was by no means generic, we had a bagpiper walk the wedding party in, and the choir I directed last year sang during the signing of the register and the recessional, but we did not have a song for me and my father to walk down the aisle to..

I brainstormed ideas and sang through hundreds of songs until one day I was thumbing through my "Book" (the book of songs I regularly perform all organized by set and in my key etc...) and I came across a song by Jann Arden called, "Ode To a Friend" that I have sung many times. I sang it again, this time with Ian as my 'motivation' and voila! By the end of the song I was in tears exclaiming I FOUND THE SONG!! I decided right then and there that this would be a secret. I would record it in secret at my friend's studio, play a mock song during the rehearsal dinner, and the first time he would hear it was going to be at the ceremony.

Let's just say there was not a dry eye in the house, including mine. How stupid of me to record a song that is so dear to my heart and make me cry all the way to the altar. I was supposed to be beautiful, and instead I was trying to wipe away the tears without totally screwing up my makeup.. I don't think I smiled ONCE walking with my father. haha.. oh well.

So you want to hear it? ok. Ode To a Friend.

p.s. If you have a Myspace account you can download it..

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  1. Tobi! I'm dumbfounded. That was so beautiful!

  2. Tobi!!
    That is beautiful!

  3. That's lovely Tobi - I'm not surprised that everyone shed a tear! Hope you had a lovely day :) x

  4. beautiful! that is just about amazing!! And something you will ALWAYS remember...and well...I think we all cry at our weddings ;) hopefully you remembered the waterproof mascara! Congrats on your nuptials!!

  5. Tobi thanks for sharing that story. Simple beautiful.

  6. That was beautiful - you have a lovely clean style of singing.

  7. What a lovely song....and you sang it so beautifully...I'm sure there wasn't a dry eye in the house. :)

  8. Hello from one of your fans all the way from Australia!! I just had to comment on your beautiful song - I had tears in my eyes as I listened - it was so moving. No wonder everyone cried, and it will be one of those shining moments in you and your husband's life that you will treasure in your hearts forever. Thank you for sharing it with us!


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