
A Way to Preserve our Memories

Here are some pictures of a mini book I made for our trip across Canada (and some of the US). We left on the 17th and right now we are outside of Calgary, Alberta. Tomorrow we are driving the longest drive of the trip, 13 hours to Winnipeg, Manitoba. Yikes!!! We are going all the way to the east coast of Canada, with the ultimate destination being Cape Breton Island! Did you know they have a special menu item at the McDonalds there called the McLobster!! MADE WITH REAL LOBSTER!!! Hello! I am SO there.. anyway.. on to the mini book:

Everything in this book is made with Little Yellow Bicycle papers and stickers except: some Bazzill papers, American Craft Thickers, Basic Grey Chipboard (tabs) and a little help from my Bind-it-all..

true story... 
love this map-ish paper
This is what all of the entry pages look like.. The tabbed pages have some folders for ticket stubs and programs etc... It's day 2 and I've written in it both days! yay for me.. 
I should go to bed now.. Gotta be up in 6 hours.. I will most likely talk to you next when I'm in Minneapolis/St. Paul! (MALL OF AMERICA!!!!!)

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  1. Love your mini album. I just recently found your blog, just before you got married, and have enjoyed looking through your entries and listening to your music. So beautiful. Thank you for sharing. I have you on my RSS feeder and look forward to seeing your name highlighted! Have a great day.

  2. You better get there quick the McLobster is a limited time thing, it's only there during the Lobster season. (I'm originally from Nova Scotia, so I know these things LOL) If you like to eat at different places along the way write to me and I can make a few suggestions.

    Also a word of advice, once you hit Ontario DO NOT STOP IN IGNACE ONTARIO it's a scary scary little place..... I won't elaborate, just trust me LOL.

  3. Hello to a fellow Langleyite :) not sure if that's what we are called.
    I just came across your blog and I have to say it's the first time I have seen another Langley, no doubt there are many more.
    You are living my dream right now with the roadtrip, I am just in the planning stages right now and can't wait to hear about the Mall of America, not sure to include it or not.

    I have never eaten lobster at McD's but I did have a lobster roll last year in Maine, to die for!!
    Hope you have a blast and make so many memories that you will need a second mini album!


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