
Teaching: Camp-style

I had the pleasure of going away with my family to Oliver, BC (the Wine Capital of Canada… It really is. There are no less than 28 wineries within 30 minutes of driving.. It’s absolutely NUTS) and we go with another family that I’ve known since I was 5. We have a great time together and what’s more, I know the ladies LOVE crafting. So I made up a make ‘n take. It was awesome, if I say so myself… hahaha..
So the make and take was based on these two tags I blogged about last week:
I brought along all of my mists and embossing folders so they could have a lot of liberties with colours and patterns..

There’s my set-up, and here are my students: Grandma, grand-daughter, and daughter. I’ve just shown them how to mist onto the mat and SMOOSH to create the background on the tags and they’re discussing colours.
I brought along a few different “butterfly options” so they all took their time contemplating their design. All the butterflies were cut out with grunge paper, embossed, then sprayed with glimmer mist.
olivertagscandice olivertagsdoreen olivertagsnadine
Here are their finished designs.. They LOVED them and lovingly put them to use as bookmarks right away. I thought it was great how each of the ladies allowed themselves to be truly creative with the process. It makes for a really FUN experience (especially when you aren’t familiar with paper-crafting) and it also makes their finished product uniquely theirs.
And here’s my tag that I made as we went along to demo all of the techniques we used.
I would also like to note that this “class” did indeed take place while camping in 100 degree heat with sand in our toes and the smell of campfire in our hair. It was awesome.
Take care!!

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  1. Seriously, it sounds amazing! GORGEOUS tags! Everything sounds perfect...except the heat. UGH!

  2. what a great project! i'd go camping if there were make-n-takes! ;) they look so proud of their creations...with good reason - they're all so pretty!

  3. tags were a great idea. they came out great!

  4. Such a fun time and thanks again for planning the craft time. I love my tag!


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