
25 Days of Christmas Tags - Technique Tuesday

I have the pleasure of participating in another great 25 Days of Christmas Tags along with Technique Tuesday and lots of other great companies! 

I tried to stretch my creative muscles and come up with a rustic and pretty tag for this year's celebration and I think I hit both points... 

To colour the penguin I just used chalk pencils - he stayed old and worn-looking on purpose! 
The other supplies are from MME "Sugar Plum" line. 

I actually created two tags with this design!!

Thanks for stopping by today!

Technique Tuesday: Penguin Pals (13 left!!!)
Twine: The Twinery
Wooden Snowflakes: Docrafts
Papers and Embellishment: MME Sugar Plum

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  1. This is fun - the little penguin is so cute!

  2. Fantastic tag. Love the penguin.
    The other embellishments are great.
    thanks for sharing.

  3. Love the colors and the cute penguin.

  4. This is really cute! I like the fun color combination, and those snowflakes are the perfect touch! Fun and eclectic!
    Take care!

  5. Such a fun and cute tag!! Love the papers!!


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