Hi there. It’s my turn to host a challenge at the Whimsie Doodles blog and I would love it if you played along! One of the first challenges I ever played along with when I started making cards...
Hi there! I hope everyone is doing well. This is always a weird time as spring turns to summer and even if you don’t have kids there are some real palpable changes that occur and it takes a...
School, that is.. Last June was a little bit slower than this one, I don’t know why, but this year I am really looking forward to the summer and the less-busy lifestyle of working part-time at my LSS....
Welcome to the last day of sneak peeks from the TSG design team. You should have hopped here from Theresa’s blog, if not, start at the TSG blog. What a great release, I am thrilled with all of...
Welcome to day 2 of There She's Goes blog hop challenges. If you're doing the hop you should have arrived here from Theresa's blog, if not, head back to the TSG blog and start from the beginning. We're...
Welcome to another week of sneak peeks from the There She Goes Design Team, all of the new stamp sets will be available on Saturday, June 25th! You should have arrived here from Theresa's blog if you're doing the...
Hi there! I hope you had a great Father's Day with your family. Phoenix and I woke up early to go buy some of Ian's favourite things: a Coke Slurpee, mushrooms for an omelette, and a chocolate dessert....
Today/last night I played along with a "case your friend" challenge at SCS. I have what I would consider "online" friends, people that I've been on design teams with and are now Facebook friends etc... But I've had...
This week the There She Goes team has a fun sketch brought to you by Trendie, Theresa W! I changed the main panel slightly because I couldn't find a way for the image/die cut to fit within the...
Well... There weren't many leftovers because this was a really barren card week. One great thing about school coming to a close is all of the craft time I'll have! I will be working at Clipper Street over...
Hi there readers. I had a pitiful amount of scraps hangin' around on my table, but here's what I had to choose from for my second installment of Leftover Sunday: I admit, some of these scraps are there...
Check out all the new releases at the Whimsie Doodles Blog! Here's my card: I had a lot of fun colouring this guy with subtle milky browns (E50-53) and added some pink touches here and there.. That gave me...
Hi there! The weekend is here at last. This felt like one of the longest weeks since September. There is SO MUCH TO DO at school and right now I can't see the surface of my desk.... That's...
Hi there. It's been quiet around here the past few weeks because school stuff (final concerts, final rehearsals, playing tests, singing tests) are all RIGHT NOW! It almost every night that I'm busy doing something or wiped out...
Today over at the TSG Blog I am talking about the recent trend of creating backgrounds/grounding stamped images to give them life and context.. I'd love it if you headed over there and checked it out... See you...