
Bringing Home Baby…

I hate my baby scrapbooks… They suck…

I started scrapbooking when I was pregnant (10 years ago) and let’s just say I wasn’t very good when I started… I have wanted to re-scrapbook some of my favourite pictures, starting with this one:


I have a bunch of this lovely Pebbles collection that screams happy! I am glad this photo is black and white (a lot of the baby pictures are) because I can pair it with any colour scheme.

I remember that feeling of how surreal it was that one day he’s in my belly and the next day in my arms.. What a trip childbirth is!!

That’s all for today. Take care!

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  1. My first scrapbook is HORRIBLE...except a few pages, but the rest..ugh. LOVE this, though! Such a cute photo!

  2. This is beautiful! And what a precious picture! Recently I had a grad open house for my 3rd. How embarrassing the first scrapbook was! Yikes!

  3. Hey Tobi, I can totally relate to looking back at old scrapbook. So embarassing but it shows how far you've come. Thanks again for the class last night. It was great. You are always and inspiration!!


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