
A Departure from the Norm…


This is the most Tim Holtz-y thing I’ve ever made and I gotta say, it was a blast. I was inspired by a fellow Clipper Street instructor who taught a class using this unique technique. I didn’t take the class, but I was working that day and snooped in the classroom when I had a spare second. It uses the following products:

It’s really easy to do once you know the basics. I taught my 9 year-old son how to do it and he covered his own book to use as a summer journal:


I don’t want to give too much away about the process right now since Joanne is still teaching her class, but you can see Phoenix in the picture above applying the foil sheets over the letters and die cuts that he chose. The inca gold and black acrylic paint is what gives it a nice antique look. Notice the colour of the foil above, and this is the colour after I’ve applied the metalic Inca Gold paint (old silver):


Is this cool or what??

I’ve been experimenting with other Tim Holtz products and can’t wait to share some of my stuff with you! What do you think?

Have you ever tried something totally different from what you usually do and loved it? I think I’m kinda known for my cutesy/colourful style, but this altered stuff is truly very fun, and very creative. You never know what you’re going to end up with till the very end and it’s awesome!

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