
Gifts, gifts, and more gifts....

Ian and I are BROKE this year (as many of us are) so I have made a lot of handmade gifts for people, not that they were totally without cost, but they were within our budget.. I try to use my areas of talent and interest when making home-made gifts and in the past I have made a holiday CD, a scrapbook, a painting, aromatherapy items, handmade soap and bath-bombs etc etc... This year I combined my interest in aromatherapy with my interest in papercrafts to make some unique gifts...

The first few items are pockets and bags (the pockets are a template cut out with my Silhouette) filled with scented bath salts. It's my own blend of Lavender (which I HATE, but everyone else seems to love it..) Orange, Neroli (in the citrus family), Rosewood and Cypress. It's a very fresh, clean smell, and it's perfect for a bath or a foot soak..

These are the pockets."Merry & Bright" is also a Silhouette cut and it was
flimsy enough to bend it into a curve.

I backed the tree shape with vellum.

This pocket is actually the same as the previous pocket, but I deleted the tree and
swaped in a different cut, making sure it was a bold enough silhouette that
it would keep it's shape.

The recipients were very pleased with their gifts and I'm anxious to hear if they've tried out the
salts... Doreen?? Did you?? lol..

This next gift is a set I made for my brother and sister in-law, as well as my
baby neice, Georgia.. There are few oils that are completely safe for babies and
you guessed it, Lavender is one of them. So I made a Lavender body wash as well
as a room/body spray for her. I used essential oils a lot with my son
as he was going from infant to toddler and he really responded well to the scents of the oils, and
actually asked for me to spray him daily with his special blend!

I used papers from My Mind's Eye "Colorful Christmas" to adorn this 6-pack style holder..
I made the ingredients/instruction tags in Photoshop, then cut them out with

This is another favourite blend of mine.. All sexy oils.. But if you try this at home,
only use a DROP of Champa.. It's strong!!

So that's the set! Isn't it fun? I hope they like it, and USE IT!

Hey! It's Christmas Eve!!! Can you believe it?????

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  1. What terrific gifts! I love the idea of making gifts for friends and family too. Thank you so much for sharing and Merry Christmas!

  2. Ha! I have not tried it yet! I just keep smelling it and loving the lavender fragrance. I plan to use it next week. You can't use a Christmas present BEFORE Christmas can you????????

  3. Merry Christmas Tobi.
    I'd appreciate the work and thought that went into your gifts. I suspect they smell delightful.
    I look forward to following your blog throught the new year!


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