
A Quick Tip

The other night I had an idea. 

It was a totally unique, original thought.. 

I was SO proud of myself for thinking of it.. 

I will now share my thought process with you... 

I was sitting at my craft table making tags and starting out how I usually start out: spray the craft mat with various glimmer mists: 

Then I "smooshed" the tag into the mists: 


I then did another tag in the leftover mist and dried them with my heat tool: 


Here's where the wheels started to turn... I HATE how some glimmer mists warp paper and even though I try to strategically dry the tags and flatten them as I go they never end up flat. 



I flatten my hair with my straight-iron all the time. 

Will it work with paper? 


This is an old flat iron and I have no worries about getting it dirty, but so far I haven't! As long as I make sure to completely dry the tag/paper with the heat tool I haven't seen any ink transfer to the iron. 

So how you like them apples?? I thought I was pretty clever, if I do say so myself! 

Bye for now!! 

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