I call this "God"

I threw my point-and-shoot camera in my purse as an after-thought on my day trip to the hot springs and this was what lay before us on our journey home. I kept saying to my fiance "LOOK! It's GOD!!" so finally I pulled over for a couple shots.. If you know me you know I don't believe in God, but when you look at something like this, it really fills you with this awesome all-encompassing feeling of gratitude.

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  1. What a beautiful picture. Amazing little camera's aren't they.
    Enjoyed looking through your blog.

  2. whoa! What a beauty of a shot!

  3. Tobi, what a beautiful picture. I was surprised to read your comment though that you do not believe in God? I know everyone is entitled to their beliefs but I have to say that I find it very sad that you can see something so beautiful before your eyes and not know that God created it.

  4. I do believe in God, and I believe that moment and view moved you because of God. :) All creation points to God and is for His glory! That's why you thought of Him. :) He loves you and is calling to you. The sky just wanted to help! And I'd be happy to help, too, if you have any questions.


  5. I thought I was the only person on Earth who says that "look... it's God"... when I see the sun through the clouds like in the picture you took I say the same exact thing to whoever will listen.

    People might think I am crazy but I believe it is God.


    Char in So Cal

  6. Tobi,
    I see God in all kinds of things too. That is absolutely God!
    Beautiful shot. Awesome camera! WOW!~

  7. Thanks for sharing this gorgeous photo. What a beautiful world God has created for all His children.


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